SS02 - Suicide Risk Factors in Railway Stations and Beyond

Identification of Risk Factors for Suicide on Train Stations in the Netherlands and Subsequent Modelling
August, 29 | 08:30 - 10:00

Objective: This study aims to identify statistically significant factors that influence the number of suicides at individual train stations. Subsequently, these factors are built into a model that explains the recorded numbers of suicides. When progress allows, the effort will be extended to cover also level crossings and in the end the whole railway network in the Netherlands. The overall goal is to prioritize preventative measures that can be taken to reduce suicides at specific railway locations. Materials: Data of suicides on railway stations in the Netherlands as well as data on preventative measures, fast moving trains passing stations, presence of nearby psychiatric institutions, population density and results of questionnaires on station experience were collected and applied in statistical analyses. Method: Relevant scientific literature has been reviewed to find risk factors that have been identified as being possibly significant. The factors found in literature were supplemented with factors that are well known in railway operations. Multivariate regression methods were applied to test hypotheses regarding factors influencing suicide risks at railway stations. Results: Measures that lead to lower suicide numbers at station are: cameras, electronic entrance gates, presence of station staff and fences. Also, stations that are perceived as busy, tend to have lower suicide numbers. Factors leading to increased suicide numbers are: fast moving trains passing and the presence of higher numbers of psychiatric therapists nearby. The factors evaluated and combined into a statistical model explain part of the variance in suicide risks on railway stations. However, a significant portion of the variance is not explained. Conclusions: The effect of risk factors found in literature have been confirmed as significant in the Dutch railway system. Extension to the whole railway system (including level crossings and open line) could lead to a higher portion of variance accounted for.
