SS02 - Suicide Risk Factors in Railway Stations and Beyond

Ambivalence and Help-Seekings Signs at Railway Stations
August, 29 | 08:30 - 10:00

Introduction: Previous studies have shown that people who engage in suicidal behaviour demonstrate signs of ambivalence. This has for instant been observed at railway stations and on bridges. We do not know what factors influence ambivalence or how frequent it is. The aim of this project was to conduct scoping review regarding the role of ambivalence in suicidal behaviour. Method: We followed a six-stage model. Firstly, we considered the research question together with our aims. Secondly, we identified relevant literature by searched Pubmed and Google Scholar. Thirdly, all relevant studies were read by two co-authors, who selected the relevant ones. Fourthly, the search process was documented in a flow chart. Fifthly, data were analyzed and themes were identified. Thought out the data acquisition and analysis, we consulted stakeholders and expert in the six-stage model. Results: Out of 112 search hits, we identified 24 studies that directly address ambivalence. Of the 24 identified publications, 16 addressed railway suicides and ambivalence directly, however, mainly by referring to the concept of ambivalence in a few sentences. Ambivalence can be understood as a state of simultaneous and conflicting emotions, for instance when a person at risk of suicide, on one hand, wishes to end their psychache and, on the other hand, hopes for intervention Ambivalence was present in suicidal behaviour by different methods. Intervention such as help-seeking sign posting have shown promising result. Means restricting in the form of physical barriers, such as fences or other factors delaying the process of the suicidal act, may also address the ambivalence and by that prevent suicide. Alcohol might be use as a strategy for overcoming ambivalence. Conclusion: Ambivalence exists in suicidal behaviour, and it may be a relevant component to address in suicide preventive initiatives. Further findings, updated results and future projects will be presented and discussed at the conference and other point concerning suicide prevention at railways will be deliberated.
