PS07 - Effective Treatment of the Suicidal Patient: The Active Therapist

Projective Identification, Enactment and the Active Therapist of Suicidal Patients
August, 29 | 08:30 - 10:00

Suicidal patients are under unconscious pressure to deposit unbearable parts of their inner world, which are connected to feelings of massive experiences of loss and abandonment in their childhood and youth. These emotional fragments are unconsciously deposited in other people who then experience these feelings as if they were their own. In this way, they become entangled with their therapists in forms of repetition of these destructive early relationship experiences, which both enables and at the same time threatens the therapeutic relationship. The active therapist is more emotionally and personally recognizable to the patient, while at the same time knowing that they are engaged in a "risky dance", keeping in touch and at the same time trying to move him- or herself and the patient out of the danger zone of destroying the therapeutic relationship and the patient's life. The knowledge that one is not completely free and independent in contact with the patient and is unconsciously influenced by him/her must be combined with the attempt to recognize the "sequence of steps" of the destructive suicidal dynamics in the therapeutic relationship and to modify it to some extent. This therapeutic work of the active therapist is illustrated with a short case example.
