PS22 - Youth Lived Experience in Suicide Prevention Research, Policy, and Practice: Evidence-Based Approaches Across the Globe

#MyGPguide: Involving Youth Lived Experience in the Design of a Resource to Facilitate Help-Seeking for Self-Harm and Suicidal Experiences in Primary Care
August, 29 | 17:30 - 19:00

Introduction: General Practitioners (GPs) are often the first and last healthcare contact for those who die by suicide and a trusted source for help-seeking for mental health problems in young people. However, our work has shown that many young people are concerned about talking to their GP about self-harm and suicidal experiences; others do not know what to expect from a GP consultation including what questions they might be asked; and how much they should share with their doctor. Such concerns might delay help-seeking at a time when young people are most vulnerable. In this project, we worked alongside young people aged 18 to 25 with lived experience to co-design a resource, called #MyGPguide, to support young people talk to their GP about self-harm and/or suicidal experiences. Methods: Four online co-production workshops took place over a period of six months to design the content and format of #MyGPguide as well as a dissemination and implementation plan. In addition to the workshops, young people shared their views via email and one-to-one online meetings with the researchers. Clearly defined and mutually agreed ground rules alongside a safety protocol tailored to young people’s needs guided the co-production process. Findings: We will present #MyGPguide, an evidence-based resource preparing young people for their GP consultation, offering vital information and advice on: i) what to consider before they visit their doctor, including preparing questions and booking an appointment; ii) how to manage the consultation, what their rights are with respect to confidentiality, what questions their doctor might ask them; safety planning and referral to mental health services; iii) what to do after the consultation; and how their doctor can support them. We will use #MyGPguide as a case study to highlight how we could address potential ethical considerations and safety issues throughout the co-production process to ensure young people’s safe, inclusive, and ethically sound involvement.
