PS16 - What About Us? Mental Health, Suicidality and Help Seeking in (Mental) Health Professionals

The Wounded Healer - Mental Health Professionals in Need
August, 29 | 14:00 - 15:30

Mental illness and suicidality in (mental) health professionals are topics, which would deserve more attention as currently received. The problem is prevalent, data sparse. Some risk factors for mental illness and suicidality in mental health professionals overlap with those found in the general population, yet other are specific. Professionals with mental illness may encounter different types of stigma, which can have direct detrimental impact on their mental illness or affect disclosure and help seeking. Having an experience of own mental illness strengthens negative self-view of the professional and gives ground to higher stigma towards help seeking. The later depends on many factors, which may enable or hinder the decision and action to seek help. To live through own mental illness is a unique experience, perhaps even more so for mental health professionals and studies found mixed results as to how this might affect the professional career and identity. A lived experience of mental illness and suicidality may for some have positive, for others a negative impact on their work (in terms of competency, empathy, etc.). The author will try to provide an overview of relevant studies on the prevalence of mental illness, suicidality and help seeking in mental health professionals.
