PS27 - Adopting a Multi-Faceted Approach to Creating a Safer Internet for Individuals Experiencing Self-Harm and Suicidal Feelings

The Creation of a Suicide Prevention Website by People With Lived Experience
August, 30 | 08:30 - 10:00

INTRODUCTION: Many individuals with suicidal ideation might look for support online. People with lived experience have unique insights into what people with suicidal ideation need in a crisis. Their opinions and knowledge can be used to create a website, that can support and help individuals with suicidal ideation.

AIM: The aim of the project is to form a user panel of people with lived experience and invite them to create a suicide preventive website.
METHODS: Through advertising on social media sites and speaking with different Danish mental health organizations, people with lived experiences in terms of suicidal ideations/behaviour were identified. The advertisement signified that the goal was to create a website for suicide prevention. Responders were interviewed by a senior researcher. A total of 7 people (six women and one man) were recruited. During monthly meetings, the group discuss and decide on content for a website for people with suicidal ideation. An IT-developer with expertise in user panels lead the website development process. A psychologist specialized in suicide prevention also participates in the meetings, and is also available between meetings if anyone in the group need support.
RESULTS: The group had its first meeting in November 2021 and selected the name “The Papageno Group”. In 2023 the group completed the website, which will be presented at the conference. The website contains: 1) A guide on what is important to tell professionals if you have suicide thoughts and what to expect when meeting the ‘psychiatric system’; 2) A toolbox with suicide preventive exercises; 3) A barometer that shows different levels of suicidal ideation; 4) An acute button, which shows the viewer simple grounding exercises.
CONCLUSION: We hope the suicide preventive website can help individuals with suicidal ideation in Denmark, and that a heightened involvement of people with lived experience can strengthen the suicide preventive efforts in Denmark.
