SS06 - Partnerships for Life: IASP's Global Initiative to Prevent Suicide

Partnerships for Life in the Americas - Progress, Learning, and Future Directions
August, 30 | 14:00 - 15:30

The Americas World Health Organization (WHO) region includes 35 independent countries and more than 1 billion inhabitants. A number of key suicide prevention initiatives are ongoing in the Americas including national suicide prevention strategies in more than a dozen countries, the Septiembre Amarillo (yellow September) awareness raising campaign in Spanish speaking countries, and the 988 3-digit crisis line in the U.S. and Canada. In 2022, the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) Partnerships for Life initiative began a renewed effort to create a network of suicide prevention researchers and stakeholders in the Americas to promote national and regional suicide prevention strategies. As of February 2024, the Americas partnership has held four workshops (two in English and two in Spanish), facilitating knowledge transfer between countries regarding national strategies, and the first regional webinar, which focused on the emergence of 988 and its impact on suicide prevention policies. The partnership has also engaged in advocacy, including a letter to the Prime Minister of Canada urging a national suicide prevention strategy, and is working to increase capacity for suicide prevention in countries in the Americas. An example of the latter is a project aimed at training crisis line workers in Ecuador and Chile. The presentation will discuss progress and learning to date, including our ongoing situational analysis, and future plans for the initiative.
