PS41 - Delivery and Evaluation of Support for People Bereaved by Suicide

Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) Teams: An Active Postvention Model for Your Community
August, 30 | 17:30 - 19:00

Introduction: Each year, approximately one million people die by suicide worldwide, leaving behind loved ones (Survivors of Suicide) who require support and resources to cope with this devasting loss. Research has shown that the experience of losing a loved one to suicide can be complicated and traumatic, leaving Survivors with feelings that are difficult to reconcile. Without proper coping skills and support, Survivors can become overwhelmed and feel hopeless. Therefore, an active postvention model such as Local Outreach to Suicide Survivors (LOSS) Teams can be instrumental in reaching Survivors as close to the suicide death as possible to provide them with the help they need. Aim/Methods: During this presentation, participants will be educated on the history of LOSS Teams and its active postvention approach which involves having a team of trained first responders, who themselves are Survivors of Suicide, go to the scene of a suicide or shortly after to provide immediate support and referrals to those bereaved by suicide. In addition, participants will learn the steps for creating LOSS Teams which include training volunteers and establishing partnerships with police and fire departments, crisis mobile teams, and coroners. Specifically, the presenters will discuss their agency’s LOSS Team program which was developed 12 years ago as part of their larger Survivors of Suicide Program, a program which has been sustained in the community for over 3 decades. Conclusion: At the conclusion of this presentation, participants will increase their knowledge of the benefits of using an active postvention model, such as LOSS Teams. Specifically, attendees will increase their awareness of how to start a LOSS Team in their community.
