PS41 - Delivery and Evaluation of Support for People Bereaved by Suicide

Youth Suicide Postvention in Slovene Schools: Case Report
August, 30 | 17:30 - 19:00

The death of a family member or close friend or even a pet in adolescence is an intensive experience that is associated with adverse outcomes. That is even more highlighted in the cases of losing a friend due to suicide. After the COVID-19 pandemics in 2022, there seems to be a rise in suicide cases of the youngest age group in Slovenia, even though due to the low absolute numbers this is difficult to conclude. The aim of our study is to present the cases of postvention activities done in the school environments nationally in Slovenia. The presentation will focus on the recent cases, highlighting the content of the interventions, guidelines for schools, reactions of teachers, parents and youth, as well as possible Werther’s effect. We will add the social media use around the time of the youth suicide cases and compare the media portrayals of the cases with the police reports. Moreover, the obstacles for efficient implementation of prevention and postvention will be addressed.
