PS44 - Epidemiology and Data Resources Tools for Prevention Measures

Suicidological Databases of the Werner-Felber-Institute (WFI) - Basis for Valid Research
August, 30 | 17:30 - 19:00

According to the WHO (2021), the collection of valid data is an essential prerequisite for suicide research. The WFI has set itself the task of developing suicidological databases for the Free State of Saxony and for German-speaking countries. The WFI has currently implemented three databases: a database to record suicidological research activities and work throughout Germany (DESFA); a database on suicide in hospitals for German-speaking countries; and a hot-spot database for Saxony. The data are collected in very different ways. To date, 545 papers from 106 institutions have been included in the DESFA database. Most of them are doctoral theses (N=217), followed by N=78 master theses.) In the future, the aim is to make this database better known in Germany, to motivate researchers to use this source when designing their own work and to contribute to a better network of suicide researchers. Currently, 121 clinics are participating in the Clinical Suicide Database - there are over 1,639 records on suicides and serious suicide attempts, which are evaluated once a year. Again, we encourage researchers to ask their own research questions and to use the data for this purpose. To date, around 5,000 suicides have been included in the hot spot database. It has already been possible to define suicide hotspots for the city of Dresden. Once the existing hot spots for Saxony have been recorded, it is planned to develop proposals for securing them and to monitor the development of suicides after implementation. Cooperation with the rescue coordination centres has also led to the possibility of setting up a prospective data collection of all rescue operations due to suicide threats, suicide attempts, and suicides for the areas of two rescue coordination centres in Saxony. This will make it possible to obtain a timely overview of the development of suicidality in these regions using heat maps. Compliance with data protection regulations is a top priority and at the same time the biggest hurdle. With the implementation of the databases presented here, the WFI makes an important contribution to suicide research.
