PS45 - Elevating Equity: Advancing Approaches to Empower Marginalized Groups and Sub-populations with Suicide Risk

Specialized Supports: Supporting Marginalized Populations in Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention
August, 31 | 08:30 - 10:00

The Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) supports a multi-year, multi-site, community-based suicide prevention and life promotion model; Roots of Hope (RoH). The program has now been implemented in over 20 unique communities, Provinces and Territories across Canada, in rural, urban and remote contexts. Roots of Hope builds on and adapts existing evidence-based suicide prevention and life promotion approaches used nationally and internationally, to meet the unique needs of each community. The model is built around five key areas: developing and improving specialized supports, establishing training and networks, increasing public awareness, means safety initiatives, and evaluation research. This presentation will introduce the ROH model and focus on activities implemented through the specialized supports pillar with vulnerable populations and communities in suicide prevention, intervention, and postvention. In working with over 20 unique communities across Canada to implement ROH we will share successes, lessons learned, promising practices and discuss special considerations when aiming to reach vulnerable populations. To illustrate these activities we will highlight ROH case studies, MHCC’s suicide fact and infosheets and community resources.
