OC24 - Medical Assistance in Dying

Euthanasia of Animals - Association With Veterinarians' Suicidal Thoughts and Attitudes Towards Assisted Dying in Humans: A Nationwide Cross-Sectional Survey (The NORVET Study)
August, 31 | 10:30 - 11:30

Background: Veterinarians are an occupational group with an increased suicide risk. Euthanasing animals may influence both veterinarians' views on assisted dying in humans and their suicide risk. We investigated (I) attitudes towards assisted dying, (II) whether the field of work and the frequency of euthanasing animals were associated with positive attitudes towards human euthanasia, and (III) whether frequently euthanasing animals was associated with serious suicidal thoughts.
Methods: We conducted a nationwide cross-sectional study among veterinarians in Norway (response rate: 75%). Logistic regression models were used to calculate the odds ratios for both positive attitudes towards human euthanasia and serious suicidal thoughts. The analyses were adjusted for socio-demographic and work-related factors.
Results: Fifty-five percent of the veterinarians agreed that euthanasia should be permitted for humans with a fatal disease and short life expectancy. Working with companion animals was independently associated with positive attitudes towards human euthanasia (OR?=?1.66 (95% CI: 1.23-2.23)), while veterinarians' frequency of euthanasing animals was not. Frequency of euthanasing animals was independently associated with serious suicidal thoughts, OR?=?2.56 (95% CI: 1.35-4.87).
Veterinarians' attitudes towards assisted dying in humans did not differ from those of the general population. Veterinarians' frequency of euthanasing animals was not associated with positive attitudes towards euthanasia in humans. However, veterinarians working in companion animal practices were more likely to have positive attitudes towards euthanasia in humans. Moreover, euthanising animals five times or more a week was associated with serious suicidal thoughts. We need more research to infer about causality in these findings.
