Partnerships for Life: Identifying Key Priorities for Action

  • August, 28 | 09:30 - 12:30
  • Exhibition Hall 1

This workshop is sponsored by Partnerships for Life (PfL -, the global initiative to prevent suicide, launched by the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP -, the leading international NGO in the field of suicide prevention, in 2021. PfL aims to establish an international collaboration of experts, supporting the development of a comprehensive, strategic and evidence-informed approach to suicide prevention at national and regional levels. Participants at this pre-conference workshop are invited to engage wholeheartedly in an interactive, enriching and enjoyable event which will maximise the opportunity for discussion in both large (plenary) and small groups. Apart from learning (more) about IASP and the PfL Initiative, participants will be invited to focus on four timely topics and challenges for national suicide prevention programmes: development of/ revisions to national suicide prevention strategies and action plans; how to translate strategy into effective implementation; appropriate methodologies for summative evaluation of national suicide prevention strategies; and realising the ambition of a whole-of-government approach to suicide prevention. The geographical focus will be on the European region, which comprises 54 high- and upper-middle-income countries but consideration will also be given to the specific circumstances affecting lower-middle income countries (in Europe [four countries] and elsewhere, including India). Each topic will be introduced by recognised experts in the field. Participants will spend the majority of time in small-groups, exploring key questions and issues, leading to the development of an agreed set of priority actions, for each topic. The workshop aims to link experts and organisations in the field of suicide prevention, as well as enhancing exchange, collaboration and co-creation across research, policy and practice. It is hoped that workshop participants will be motivated to take first or further steps related to the identified priority actions, adapted to take account of the circumstances and context of their country, including the stage of national suicide prevention strategy development.

If you have any questions about the workshop or you would like to register for the workshop, please email Seimon Williams, IASP Operations Co-ordinator (

There is no charge for attending the workshop. However, attendance is restricted to persons who are registered for the ESSSB20 event and for this workshop. The workshop venue is able to accommodate up to 70 persons. Early registration is therefore advised.