Karen Lascelles
United Kingdom

Mental health nurse consultant working in the field of suicide and self-harm. Working clinically in psychiatric liaison and also family liaison with carers of patients with suicidal behaviour and relatives bereaved by suicide. Involved in staff support following deaths of patients by suicide. Research interests include informal caregivers of adults at risk of suicide, suicide among nurses, impact of self harm and deaths of patients by suicide on clinicians. Also lecturer in mental health nursing at Oxford Brookes University.

PS16 - What About Us? Mental Health, Suicidality and Help Seeking in (Mental) Health Professionals
August, 29 | 14:00 - 15:30 , Room Q
  • Parallel Symposium
  • Vulnerable groups
PO02 - Poster Session 2
August, 30 | 08:30 - 19:00 , Foyer
  • Poster Session
OC19 - Survivors, Carers and Postvention
August, 30 | 14:00 - 15:30 , Room MN
  • Oral communications
  • Lived experience, survivors and postvention
SS08 - The Impact of a Patient Death by Suicide on Clinicians and What Aids Recovery
August, 31 | 08:30 - 10:00 , Plenary Hall
  • Special Symposium
  • Lived experience, survivors and postvention