Alexandre Y. Dombrovski
United States of America

I am a professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh. I investigate the decision-making and learning deficits that may contribute to maladaptive and especially suicidal behavior and their neurocomputational substrates. Using behavioral experiments, functional MRI, and reinforcement learning models, we have described alterations in decision-making seen in suicidal behavior paralleled by disrupted expected value signals in the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. His primary theoretical interest is in how the human brain resolves the explore-exploit dilemma. I have eleven years of experience in longitudinal research with high-suicide-risk populations. In my clinical practice, I see patients with difficult-to-treat mood disorders, cognitive disorders, borderline personality, and suicidal behavior.

PS21 - Social and Decision Neuroscience of Suicidal Behavior Across the Lifespan
August, 29 | 17:30 - 19:00 , Exhibition Hall 2
  • Parallel Symposium
  • Neurocognition and decision making