PS16 - What About Us? Mental Health, Suicidality and Help Seeking in (Mental) Health Professionals

Challenges of Being Both a Service Provider and Service User - Perspective of Mental Health Nurses
August, 29 | 14:00 - 15:30

Suicide rates are known to be elevated within nurses, particularly female nurses, which raises concerns about the mental wellbeing of this essential workforce. Reasons for impaired mental wellbeing will be multifaceted but may include the psychological impact of work. Mental health nurses reside on the front line where they are repeatedly exposed to the emotional pain, self-harm and suicidal behaviours of patients and the fear and uncertainty of their families. Behind the scene lives of front line clinicians may include supporting their own family members with mental health problems which might mirror those of the patients they serve. Mryiad emotions can result such as guilt and shame, along with questioning of professional worthiness and perceived stigma as one adjusts to the duality of being both service provider and service user. The author will present research data on nurse suicide while also drawing on personal experience.
